MSTX 2024

How We Grow in Christ

John Trapp

The word ‘sanctification’ is a very important word that the Bible uses. It describes how God makes his people more like his son Jesus. If we misunderstand how sanctification works, we can grow discouraged and frustrated in our faith. Sanctification is really good news about God’s patient, gracious work in the life of sinful, messy people that he loves. If you would like to be encouraged in your doubts and struggles, then you need to hear about sanctification!

The Fish Bait We Take And the Impact It Makes: Experiencing Freedom from the Lies We Believe

Mary Henley Green

Have you ever seen an Instagram story of friends hanging out without you and think to yourself, "Why wasn't I invited? Am I not a good friend? My friends do not like me, I am not loved, I need to prove my friendship, etc." Friends, these are some lies that we believe! Come to this seminar as we wrestle with questions of: where do these lies come from, what are the lies I am believing about God and myself, and where can I find the truth that sets me free?

The Gospel: God's Big Story And How We Fit into It

Oscar Palin

In my experience as a Christian, sometimes we need to get back to the basics and be reminded of how truly wonderful and glorious God is. In this seminar, we will take a look at the foundation of the Gospel and what this "Good News" means for us. Whether you've been a Christian forever or are still wondering what the Bible says, this seminar will walk you through what the Gospel really is, why we need it, what comes with it, and why we should we accept it!

In My Feelings: The Songs of the Bible

Thomas Fitch

We know the Sunday School answer of "read the Bible and pray more" is almost always the correct response. But that is often easier said than done. Growing in a relationship with God involves doing these practices, but it can sometimes be challenging knowing where and how to start. What am I supposed to say (or not say) when I pray? How do I wrap my head around all the different books and stories and rules from the Bible? Is it even possible to enjoy these practices? Equally difficult is figuring out our emotions. Especially as a teengager, being able to figure out what you feel, why you feel it, and how to properly express it feels nearly impossible. But, what if I told you there was a book in the Bible that could help us answer all of these questions? The Psalms are the biggest book in the Bible and one of the greatest tools given to Christians on how to talk to God. They teach us how to praise and lament, ask and forgive, be joyful and repent. They teach us that we can be honest with how we feel about God and trust that he hears and answers our prayers. This class will teach us how to read, pray, and even write your own Psalms. Join us as we learn how being open and honest is the key to growing in our relationship with God.

Insecure: Fighting Our Lesser Fears with a Greater One

John Perritt

It’s there when you look in the mirror. You’ll find it roaming the halls of your school. It tucks you in at night and greets you as you roll out of bed. You’ll read it and see it on social media. It’s in our conversations and is always rattling around in our minds. What is it? Insecurity. Insecurity is something all humans struggle with. Young and old, male and female, across the globe – insecurity has no boundaries. While it is a commonality among humanity, it doesn’t mean it’s something you have to live with. Insecurity is painful for many, but there is a greater fear to drown out this lesser one. Scripture tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. It is in this greater fear, that we learn how to grow, live, and, possibly defeat, our insecurity.


Joey Perez

Join us as we journey through the world of relationships. In this elective class we will explore how/why God has created us as relational beings and how we can healthily maintain our many different relationships! Whether it’s a relationship with your parent, sibling, friend, neighbor, or even dating, God wants us to do togetherness well!